With almost 1000 ideas for warm-up games and gym classes Gymspiratie is the website for gym teachers in primary and secondary schools. Gijs Hosman, PE teacher in the The Hague region, is the brain behind this community.
The concept of the website is simple and user-friendly. Teachers can become a member and pay a subscription fee for the sports and games, including room drawings and clear explanations. They enter a learning line or exercise, form and age and a list of activities appears .
Here is a sneak preview of the new gym lessons by Jeroen Sprinkhuizen.
Gijs came into contact with the Sports for Children Foundation via a coordinator of the The Hague schools. ‘This charity suits us, we both have a heart for gymnastics’, says Gijs enthusiastically. ‘Two years ago we made our first donation. Since 2020, 1% of our turnover goes to the foundation. We contribute to the transport of usable, safe gymnastics equipment to children abroad.’